Hemp Oil- It’s for so much more than just pain or sleep.

I was one of those people, I thought that if I slept great and didn’t have any pain then I didn’t need CBD or hemp oil, but I was wrong. It turns out that I really didn’t know enough about hemp oil or what it does for the body.

You may not know that you actually have a whole Endocannabinoid system within your body that helps to regulate your mood, sleep, appetite, and pain sensation just to name a few. This system is the master system for all other systems in the body and has a huge impact on pain and inflammation. Endocannabinoids and their receptors are found throughout your body organs, brain, connective tissues, glands, immune cells and more. This amazing system is like a bridge between body and mind and it’s ultimate goal is always to maintain balance, or homeostasis, within the body despite external stressors.

Both marijuana and hemp come from the same species of plant, a type of flowering plant in the Cannabaceae family. CBD is one of the many phytocannabinoids found in the hemp plant. THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is a different chemical found in the cannabis plant and it is often associated with the term “marijuana”. THC is the chemical that essentially can get you “high”. Larger amounts of it are found in the marijuana plant. It is legal in some states, but in Texas where I live it is still illegal. The term “hemp” refers to a cannabis plant that contains 0.3% or less of the THC content. Hemp oil refers to the oil extracted from the leaves and flowers of the hemp plant that contains CBD as well as dozens of other non-psychoactive cannabinoids that work together to boost the overall health of your body. (2)


  • Endocannabinoids (endogenous cannabinoids) are like cannabinoids from the hemp plant, but are molecules made by your body.

  • Cannabinoids from the Hemp plant help the endocannabinoid system and may prevent the breakdown of your own endocannabinoids.

  • Cannabinoids can be used to treat pain, nausea, and vomiting.

  • Researchers are looking to utilize cannabinoids in treating conditions like multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, migraines, chronic pain, IBS, and other inflammatory conditions.

  • Taking Hemp oil can improve your mood, aid in weight loss, promote relaxation, relieve pain, and affects appetite. (1)

Apparently Willie Nelson is onto something…but you don’t need the THC to get you there…according to an article in Acupuncture Today, CBD hemp oil provides a whole host of health benefits, all of which promote increased longevity.

Cannabinoids found in hemp oil can help with the following:

  • Reduces Stress- Since the phytocannabinoids found in hemp oil work with the endocannabinoid system to regulate cortisol production, hemp oil can help reduce the physical effects of stress.

  • Lowers Blood Pressure- A study done in 2017 found that just a single dose of CBD hemp oil can help reduce blood pressure.

  • Boosts Bone Health- According to a study out of Tel Aviv University, regular consumption of CBD hemp oil can help strengthen bones to prevent breaks and can also help aid in the healing process should a break occur.

  • Hormones- Plays a significant role in the function of the hypothalamic-peripheral endocrine axis for metabolic hormone release.

  • Metabolism- Constitutes a feedback loop for nutrient-energy metabolism. Regulates various cellular functions, intestinal functions, immune responses, and stress responses.

  • Central Nervous System- Facilitates regeneration of neurons, synaptic plasticity, and neuroprotection. Regulates motor neuron activity and cognition.

  • Muscles- Improves muscle glucose uptake, mitochondrial energetics, and supports runner’s high.

  • Helps to Prevent Memory Loss- Early studies have shown that hemp oil has positive effects in managing the symptoms of Alzheimers or dementia. It helps to lower neuroinflammation in the brain. Since Alzheimers causes the endocannabinoid system to work strenuously- CBD hemp oil might be involved in a potential treatment or even cure in the future. (3)

Not all hemp oil is made the same. It can be really confusing and prices can vary a lot, but the QUALITY of the hemp oil and the other carrier ingredients within the product is KEY. Also, it is important to give your body some time when you start taking a new hemp oil. You should really be taking it for about 4 weeks before you decide if it is something you want to continue or not.

I trust Standard Process and I really like their new Hemp Oil products. They have it in both a pill form and a tincture.

We now have it available to buy from our website! Just click the button below and search up Hemp Oil.

Order Standard Process Hemp Oil

Hemp Oil is GREAT for your pets too! I have used it a lot for my little fur babies and it really helps with joint health, pain, anxiety, cognition, and overall wellness. Standard Process carries hemp oil for pets that you can order from our website as well. Check it out!

Dunn Acupuncture & Allergy Center

  1. Aremu, F. (2021, February 26). What to know about endocannabinoids and the endocannabinoid system. Medical News Today

  2. Chen, J. (2020) CBD for anxiety. Healthline

  3. La, C. (2021, August) How CBD promotes longevity. Acupuncture Today

Obligatory Disclaimer- You should always consult with your doctor or other health care professional before taking any new medication, nutritional or herbal supplements.


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